p. 328
Off the xth I am ygnorant scz off comunycatyon betwyxt doctor barbar & smyth yn the northcorte
And so off the xiith & to my remembrans Smyth was never yn mr parkhurst chamber I beyng present.
And to the xiiith I say that I do not know that your grace sent for serlys or shether at any tyme that they dyd not cum to your grace. nother I do kow no man at any tyme to heve denyyd them to be ther or els wher when your grace hath sent for the nother I yff any comunycatyon was then amongst them (smyth beyng present) I am not off knowlege for I was never yn company wyth hym with yn the house as I remembre.
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.