
my gratius goode lorde acordyng to my conscienc And promys made to your grace so afore god I shall heere wryte the trewth yn thys my wrytyng fyrst as I remember thys ys the fyrst trewthe that mr Gardenar And mr shether and mr sarles kallyd uppon me to recorde yn certen wordes spoken of youe my lorde uppon trinite sonday was ii aere what tyme youe callyd all the prebenders and prechers afore youre grace yn the to palice / the wordes ware thes that yf I rememberd your grace sayd that the bysshops boke was sent forth withowte your consent and assent as youe sayd the kynges maieste dyd know / And thes wordes or lyeke I affyrmyd to be trew and at ther request I dyd put my hand ther to / seconde they requyryd whether I dyd remembred that your grace sayd that yn the greeke tonge ther was no diversite betwyxt imago and idolum / and I affyrmyd that your grace sayd so and lyckwyse as they requyryd me I dyd subscribe my name / as concernyng the communication of mr Gar// diner with my lorde of wynchester at hys returne I remember not that he shewyd me any of that secretes except only that my lorde of wynchester

so bolde to macke request of such secret communication  as were bytwyxt my lorde of Winchester and mr gardener at that tyme

chekkyd hym mr doctor rydle for hys sermon prechyd a for hym / And of a trewthe I dyrst not be so bolde   / Thyrdly concernyng the meetyng to gether of mr doctor london and mr sarles / trewly mr sarles recordyd emonge us that at a tyme thys somer last paste when he was at london myndyng to go to oxforth by chawnc he mett mr doctor london whych askyd hym whyther he was travellyng and he sayd to oxforth / And the doctor sayd to hym I charge youe passe not london tyll I have comend with youe / and oppon that he taryd / and after ward came to hym I can not shew where And at ther metyng the doctor sayd to hym I here say that kent ys full of sysmys and herisys As I am ynformyd / and as hyt ys schewyd to me youe can ynforme best of hyt And therfor or youe passe macke wrytyng and accusation therof for now ys evyn a convenient tyme to do hyt. And uppon that he made a boke of accusementes of errours and evyll oppunions of evyll prechers yn kent / of the whych as I remember on turner a preste was one but the specialite of hys accussmentes hyther to I know not / after that serlys had made and delyverd hys boke to doctor london he dyd forme and sett the accusementes yn a fascion after the forme of the lawe and then doctor london requyryd hym to present that boke to the cownsell

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.