At my last beyng wyth your grace. you requyryd me to say whether that I dyd subscrybe to certayn artycles wych mr shether dyd affyrme my hand to be unto wych to be true as then I dyd not remembre that to be true. So I do not more yet remembre that to be true that I have subscrybyd to any other artycle then one But yff herafter mr shether or any other can put me yn remembrance theroff  & that I have subscrybyd wych yff yt be was don off my part unadvysedly Thys shall be to desyre your grace to take thys my delyberatyd answer to one off the ynterrogatorys taken owt off thone artycle concernyng your grace hys comunycatyon wyth mr serlys to the wych so sodenly for lake off full remembrance I could not then  fully answer And my answer ys thys. that serlys sayd that ymages puttynges us yn remembrans by the waye off representecyon off the actes & factes off sayntes wer ymages & no ydolles. And then your grace sayd that an ymage & an ydyll ydoll wer one. Then sayd serlys Idolum nihil est. Then sayd your grace I tell you they be all one. Then sayd mr gardener an ymage ys no Idoll except that a man do put quid numinis yn yt Then sayd your grace you kwo not the  greke for yn the greke Idolum & Imago be one. Then sayd he thoze I kow not the greke yet I trust that I do kowe the troth. And thys ys as mych as I can say, to that artycle whether my hand be to yt or not. 

And to the other I do desyre your grace to accept thys answer that at one tyme I yntreatyng off the meane places as yt was setforth by the kynges boke that was subscrybyd by your grace & dyvers off the clergy, & dyd nothyng by confyrme the same. I afterward was complaynyng on to your grace & your grace gave me then a commandement to set that matter no otherwyse forth othe then the latter part off the usage off pryyng dyd lede nother addyng ther unto nor dymynyshyng And yn other matters your grace comaundyd that no ynveacyon shulde be off any part yn the pulpett wherfor I as other durst not ynvay agaynst sum (as we thogt) suspect preachyng lesse we shuld be notyd authors off sedytyon as mr gardener was accusyd to your grace as he sayd to have made ii sedytyouse sermons, & mr gardener I mr serlys & shether have ben callyd kavys by one hierom oxenbryge bruar yn saynt georges yn canterbury for our prechynges. as boyton servant to mr cryppys & dwellyng yn norgate can testyfy And that any man sum shuld have dyspleasure off your grace amongst us. mr gardeners hand apperyth yn mr sentlegers kepyng wych expressyth that yn comunycatyon betwyxt your grace & hym your grace shuld say that ther was a sort sett agaynst you but you wold be evyn wyth them. But for complayntes made to theordynary & no ys yust redy fownd. I kowe not except yt be sayd for the non ponyshyment off rydly & scory. or for the undecent behavyor yn hys apparell off gyles off baram off whom mr hardes certyfyyd your grace as I herd hym saye ; And thys ys asmych as I can now remembre to certyfye your grace to the other artycle that mr shether shulde say me my hand to be unto wych I remembre not ;

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