off mr scory & mr lawncelet your grace doth knowe that mr gardener & I wer callyd to wyth yn those artycles wyth the wych the people then were offendyd yet they nothyng were ponyshyd. And wheras also mr gardener & I dyd also wytnesse with mr shether yn hys sermon made at norgate wher (as nere as I dyd here or bear away) he prechyd all catholyke. & godly . & yet was ponyshyd by declaryng on a stole that that he never spake as I beare yt away. & that on the the only testymony off John toftes parson off saynt elphege &  george may as mr shether sayd. & owr testymony taken as nothynge. And mr serlys also for whose prechyng catholyk most men that hath herd hym. wyll wytnesse with hym but at that tyme certayn that came to testyfy wyth hym could not be herd but they rather that made agaynst hym off the wych ensuyd mych troble & vexatyon to that man By the reason off wych ii parteys thus handlyd & yntreatyd. yff they ii (wych I know not) or any other off ther fryndes have complaynyd . or can note your grace culpable I suppose they wyll Declare the veryte unto your grace.


To the vii th & to the 8th I answer that I do not knowe wyth what Justyces or gentlemen any person hath had conference nother what men hath don or spokyn yn any matter nor to what thynges men have conducyd unto concernyng matters that shuld procede at Canterbury except as ys before rehersyd wych I know not certayly. Or els that I have herd mych comunycatyon off gentlemen & other off the delyverance off Jone baron. (at the table) by your commessary. wheras she nother wold confesse that she had denyyd the sacrament off the altar nether wherby she shuld have askyd the kynges mayeste hys pardon. nother yet askyd pardon. but she havyng a pardon yn her bosom was bed delyver yt (as she dyd) & therby was delyveryd. at the wych hath byn mych & many tymes communycatyon among the gentles & other.


what petyt hath sayd or don yn any matters concernyng yndytementes or the clerke off the peace (wyth whom I was never yn company. but ons at your gracehys last syttyng on the vi artycles) or any other towardes the lawe hath don. or yn any other matter, or by whose cownsell, I know not except that petyte dyd shewe a byll opynly that he sayd he wold put up to your chancelour agayn one bukmer that as he sayd had denyyd the sacrament off the alter & escapyd ponyshment (as he sayd) at doctor nevynsons hand ; And at your syttyng on the vi artycles The clerk off the peace. dyd wryt one Artycle that shuld have made agaynst mr scory wych was thys The supper off the lord ys not sacrificium pro peccatis but hostia laudis, but yt was not presentyd to the quest but wythdrawyn.


To the xiith I say by cause that I do not know certaynly who be the presenters off matters I do not know to what end or effect they yntendyd to bryng matters But thys I am assuryd that I never herd man wyshe but for unyte peace concord & cheryte. among the kynges lege leage people & that such a way myght be taken & fownd meane fownd that all herisys errors erroneous opynyons & scysme myght be expellyd & cheryte wax plentyfull yn ther hartes.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.