
Wheras your grace hathe requyred me off myn allegyance to declare unto your grace my mynd on a certeyn complaynt that shuld be made unto your grace the kynges mayeste off your grace. Thys shall be fyrst to  certyfy your grace that I was nother off kowlege agreable or consentyng to any such byll off complaynt to be made or offeryd off y agaynst your grace to the kynges mayeste by any partye. yet wheras your grace namyd one coxsun unto me whom mr doctor lee notyd to be a besy felowe) thys shall be to certyfy your grace that at a certayn tyme he askyd me thys questyon whether that I herd your grace saye yn the consystory that the kynges mayeste had appoyntyd vi prechers iii off the olde & iii of the newe to that yntent that matters (at that tyme) yn controversy) shuld be reasonyd amongst them selvys & not to be prechyd among the people to engendre scysme.  & I sayd ye. & after comunycatyon off other tryflyng matters (nothyng appertaynyng to thys purpose) he sayd that he was f sory for mr serlys & Shether that your grace shulde be so sore agaynst s them & ponyshyd them one yn by declaryng to the people that that he never sayd upon a stoole to hys rebuke. & the other to by be cast yn to prison. Then sayd I qu yn laten que supra nos nihil ad nos Then sayd he ; yn case you be callyd to testyfy the trothe. wyll you not say as you knowe yn thyes matters. Then sayd I my lord spake the one thyng opynly & that must I wytnesse yff I be reqyryd by hyghere poore. And to the other I sayd. for such sermons as I herd them them make I can not say but that they prechyd catholykly. & so wyll I testyfy when I schall be callyd ; but (quod I) yff they have prechyd otherwyse yn any other place (wych my lord knowyth yff yt be so) I can say nothyng more I have not here off matters that shuld be agaynst your grace to my rememory remembrance. but that a remor was among the people yn that that re mr launcelet & mr scory was not lykwyse ponyshyd for such matters as wer presentyd to your grace off them

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.