

The second day off octobre yn the xxxvth yere of our Sufferen lorde kynge henry the viiith I Rychard parkehurst clerke was cummawnded upon my Alegence by my lord off Caunterbury & doctor lee to wryte such thynges as I did kno concernying A Booke sende up to the Cowncell. Thys I sey that A Booke was delyvered to doctor wyllowby other by mr Gardener or mr Shether to be presented to the Cowncell. And ansherd doctor wyllowby sey he dyd delyver the seyde Boke was delyuered to my lord off wynchestre / More over mr Gardener Mr Schether & I was send for by lettre off Mr deane off Caunterbury to cum to london wher we al thre dyd Apere be ffore Sir John Baker knyght yn hys howse there. At the wych tyme the sayde John Baker dyd Examen us off the prechynges & the controversy off the same at Caunterbury / And as I Remembre the seyde Sir John Baker had a Booke of the same or we came  there. Then wylyng us to make a Boke of Suche thynges as we dyd kno wher upon at such tymys as I was yn Busenes with sir John Gagg knyght ffor such maters as was by twene hym & Me. Ther was a boke made by the seyde mr Gardener & mr Schether. then we met al thre agayne at the seyde sir John Bakers howse. where mr Gardener or mr Schether woolde have had me to present the seyde Booke / wych y dyd deny seyng to them thyse woordes / you heve made thys Booke. What you heve put yn hyt y am nott Sure. loke what I kno to be Trew I wyll Surely Testyffy the same. Then dyd mr Schether present the seyde Boke to sir John Baker mr Gardener & I beyng present. Then the seyd sir John Baker seyde unto us that he dyd kno the kynges plesure wyllyng us to seythe Trewth fferyng no Man. After thys doctor wyllowby at Caunterbury seyde unto us theyse woordes that he had speke wyth the Cowncell Namyng Sir Antenye Brewne put you in dowght yn hit you shall have goode sped yn hyt the mater & you mey be glad that ever you dyd Mene hyt. After that the seyde sir John Baker wyllyd  us to goo to my lord of Wynchestre to take hys Cowncell upon the Boke & to see whether the Boke was well set owt or No. & so we dyd / After that my lord off

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