Mr Shether


In primis whither why your servaunte rode in poste to my lorde of Wynchester by your commandemente, or by whose commandement els, and for what purpose he was sente by you or other / And what Lettres and answer you receyvid frome hym and by whome you receyvid theym


Item what Lettres or answer youe receyuid frome fforde of your broder in law on off the pryveseale, and what his lettres or answer did purporte and by whome you receyvid them


Item what the effecte of the lettre was, that doctour barbour sent vnto your brother ford / and what answer your said brother fford sent you after the receipte of the same / and by whom you wher answeryd


Item what mr moris the chauntrie preist of the hospitall of S. Thomas did move you vnto and what writynges you receyvid of his hand syns easter or at any tyme before or syns, and frome whome those wrytynges cam


Item of whom he hard say that my Lord Chancelor shuld leave his rome and that mr baker shold be my Lord Chancelar /

mr shether


To the first I say I commawnded him not nor know not who com mawnded him but after that I came owt of ward / he told me that he had ben with my lord of winchester who said that I was a child in that that I wept befor my lordes grace but he bad me be of good coomfort for I shuld fynd him good lord vnto me at my nede. And as for letters I receved none from him


To the second I say that I Receved no letters frome him but my servant told me that he & mr ford said that if my lordes grace willed me to recant I shulde not doe it but be content to dye rather & that he trusted to make some frendes to the kynges grace for my life.

To the .3. I know of none that doctor barbour sent nor receved answer of ony by ony man of ony his writing

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.