Edmond Schethers answer unto 34 Articles.


To the first, 2 & 3. I can not depose in but by relation of Mr parkurst master sentlenger & other.


I hard my lordes grace rebuke serles for that he preiched somuch of ymages & my lord said that imago & idolum was one but I remember not that my lordes grace rebuked him for thes woordes rehersed in the article


I hard my lordes grace say in his chamber befor many his prebendares & preachers that the kynges plesur was to haue .3. preachers of the new lerning & 3. of the old but I hard not thes woordes spoken in the consistory


I know not who accused them or whether thei wer suspect for evell opynions


I did se .3. which cam voluntarily to testifie for mr serles which could not be admitted as mr serles said Also I required that the vicar of north gat : mr sellenger : mr gardener: coxston might be examened in my first article namly : but by reison of delay the said vicar was wered & not examened & whether the other wer examened or no I can not tell.


In the deposition of my first article then obiected was admitted george may & sir humfrey cherdeyn: persons suspect for evell opynions by commyn fame as I hard And certayn other which deposed aganst mr serles wer likwise suspecte. And befor sentens I desired my lordes grace to haue respecte to the persons that did depose.


I think them innocent prechers And I did rede A declaration of articles surmised agaynst me: But by whome serles was committed to prison I can not tell.


By reson that I and serles wer willed to rede declarations in the which it was mentioned that thes wordes which we said wer seditiously spoken : I think the occasion of my accusation did rise bicause that I did somtymes speake aganst evell opynions And therfor I have spoken the lesse aganst the same syns bycause I wold avoid like occasion & further I can not say in the article


Sir bland: Sir turner: mr scory have be noted much bolder syns the tyme of the said accusation uppon what occasion ells I know not And who hath hadd occasion displesur for complayning I can not tell


I know nother of the ymages nor of the letters.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.