Item evyll prechers be more bolder : etc.: whoo dothe bold them :etc.: I answere : slakk correctyon : ffor yff thes ii suche as have bynn accusyd ffor evyll prechynge had byn correctyd ether refformyd: they wold have bynn more ware then they have bynn In settying fforthe : ther evyll sayinges: what they have prechyd : by bylles was unto your grace presentyd hytt dothe apere : and suche as have noo bylles / as Mr lawncelett Rydly a yenst hym presentyd yett : mr mylles and I : herd certen wytnesse say thatt he dyd preche In asthe parysche churche on passyon monday last was xii monthes thatt preyer ffor soules departyd avaylyd no thyng : wherwith : were dyverse offendyd as the wytnesse sayde

Item whatt ffavor have they att the ordynarys hand : we name them to have ffavor : which beying as/or more ffawty then other were accomptyd: were nott ponyschyd and other ponyschyd: as Mr Schether which was ponyschyd : & Mr serles as he saythe : ffor prechyng and nott Mr rydley & mr scory: And whether thorow the none ponyschment off thes rydley & scory  : ether by other by ffavor or otherwyse schewyd by my lordes commyssary (ffavor hathe byn schewyd unto summe which have nott prechyd all the best). I putt fyrst unto the reportt off the contree



Item whatt dysplesure yff we doo complayne : we have att our ordynarys handes : My lord: we take hevy and dysplefantt wordes: ffor: the very actt off dysplesure : ffor yff a grett man: speke a word off hyse dysplesure unto a mene man: hytt prykkythe the maene man & troblythe hym gretly : why ? he ys nott able to bere hytt: Butt your grace: (as Mr Schether told unto me) when he receyvyd hys Injunctyon att your graces hand att croydon): that your grace dyd say: Thatt you wold be evyn with me & thatt schortly: by cause I resonyd ffor serles partt In your graces chamber : yow sayde lykewyse unto Mr Sentleger which was a presenter a yenst Rydley and scory: you make a bend doo yow ? I wyll breke your bend evysse : And I wyll make you leve your mumpsimus

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.