p. 229
than sayde Gardener plesyth your grace : I thinke nay: ffor an ydoll ys thatt thyng which hathe gevyn unto hym suche honour as ys dew unto god: or unto the sayntt: Then sayde my lord you know nott the greke: ffor In the greke: ydolum & Imago ar all one : My lord sayde Gardner : although I know nott the greke yett I trust I know the trezthe. & thatt by sayntt paule : rehersyg Roman 1°.
Item vi prechers iii off the old iii off the new : etc. :Then sayd gardner : My lord thatt ys a maene to sett us att varyance / My lord sayd: the kynges plesure ys to have hytt soo: We therwith were contentyd: // My lord when I was last with your grace & made ansere unto this artycle your grace sayde unto me : Thatt you sayde thus: I have schewyd the kynges grace whatt I hadd don and he was well plesyd: Thes wordes now last rehersyd I wrote in myne answere att thatt tyme : butt yet nott denying the other which I have now rehersyd beffore: ffor off my conscyence you dyd speke then And therffor althoghe I dyd nott putt them Into myne answere then yett. I trust you wylnott soo take me : nor cannott so take me: that I deny thatt :: I did putt the wordes which your grace sayd : that you sayde: nott denyng the other: to contentt your graces mynd: ffor almost they be one in effectt :
Item I call them inocentt prechers: a yenst whom noo ffawt justly can be ffound ffor prechying : butt as ffor thes iii serles & schether sermons with us In our churche prechyd : the most off our church wyll testyffye to be good godly & quyet : : In the contre also wher they have have byn ther audyence have lykewyse reportyd off them bothe by word also by writyng : Wherffor seying they have prechyd soo : thatt ther audyence ys godly edyffyd by them & the kynges ordynance quyetly sett forthe : we doo name them Innocentt prechers withowt ffawt ffor ther prechyng
No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.