On monday last past

I William gardiner havyng communycatyon with Mr. parkhurst hytt chawnsyd us to comyn off owr Interrogatoresse last mynystred he sayde thatt he made hys Imperffytt and thatt he remembryd more then: then he dyd whatt tyme: he made hys answere & sentt them unto your grace att bekesborne: And sayde. I doo nott well know: how they that complayne unto ther ordynary gett no thynge butt dysplasure: I sayde thatt I dyd ons complayne unto your grace: and you dyd say unto me: yow and your company doo hold me schortt I wyll hold yow as schortt: Item Mr schether sayde unto me att hys returnyng ffrom Croydon: when he had receyvyd hys Injunctyons to declare: that gardner toke serles partt In my chamber: I wyll be evyn with hym: Item thatt your grace sayde unto Mr. sentleger: thatt yow ar a bund. I wyl breke the bund & make you leve your mumpsimus: And thys communycatyon I and Mr. parkhurst lykewyse had with Mr. mylles

Item Mr. mylles told me when he came last ffrom your grace that he saw the boke off the artyclys beffore your grace lying and ther he sawe mendatium: Att thys word I remembryng myne answere beffore made without delyberatyon: and bett remembryng my selffe: purposyd as I have done to make a more delyberatt answere: so to awoyde danger and Inconvenyence thatt mygth happyn unavysydly unto me by myne answere be ffore made: ffor beffore In myne answere I gave way rather unto your graces wordes: and wrott as you sayde unto me: And nott soo as afterward uppon my conscyence I Juggyd trewe

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.