that it was heresie, And incontynent he went unto the bible and turned to the same gospell that Mr. Serls had preachid the sondaye nexte before, and expounded the contrary to maister Serls in every wourde with threatenyng wourdes towardes hym, saying all pickeb pycpursses eares are not sett on the pillery as yett, Wherapon divers were offendid with hym, and many wourdes were the multiplied, and great variaunce amonges the people, insomoche that divers persons, thought there shoulde have ben a fraye, And thus he came vi or vii tymes within half a yere, and preachid half an howre at the leaste, alwaies moving the people to give no credence to Mr. Serles or Mr. Shether / Witnes Robert Pratte / John Parkehurste / Stephen ffrier / Christofer Stoners / John Dyve and Robert Williamson.

that it was heresy. And incontinent he went unto the Bible and turned to the same gospel that Mr. Serls had preached the Sunday next before and expounded the contrary to Mr. Serls in every word with threatening words towards him, saying, All pickpurses' ears are not set on the pillory as yet. Whereupon divers were offended with him and many words were multiplied and great variance amongst the people; insomuch that divers persons thought there should have been a fray. And thus he came 6 or 7 times within half a year and preached half an hour at the least, always moving the people to give no credence to Mr. Serles or Mr. Shether."