Thes be all the matters that ever I spayk off to my remembrance that belong to owr relegion of any effectes or sbstans as god be my helpe Wherfor I humbly desyr yore lordshype to tayke no despplesure with me for ame and wylbe glad duryng my lyff to doo graces commandementtes att all tymys with the grace off god to whom be glorye and laud for ever.

Pleasyth yore grace doctor Wyllowbe sayd nothyng butt that he wold & was commandytt to inqwer of all sych maters belonghynges to owre relegion & he sayd he must putt yt to the cownsell

Master serlys desyryd me to showe them all sych thynges as I knew any man speke agayns the sacramentes or sacramentalles & no more concernyng owre relegyon.

Mr vicar of ferversam sayd he wold mel with nothyng of the butt that was prechyd & spokyn in his parysh as I have written be fore

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.