All thes thynges other elles the very same effecte I showyd to mr doctor Wylowbe & to mayster serles & then desyryd to have ytt in wryttyng & soo I dyd geve to them all the wryttyng that I had wryttyn stryght after the vicare of osspryng had prechyd except only the spekyng of the mase whych I am nott profytt whether they had the copye therofe or no for that was in his last sermon Also I thynke thynke I dyd showen master schether partt of thos sayngthes to mayster shether butt nott all

Also I communytt with the vycare of feversam of most partt of thes sam thynges befoore wryttyn butt he regardytt them nott gretly for he sayd that well he had maters to many whych the vicar of ospryng had spokyn in his chyrch & showyd me a byll off lyke maters

Also I tolde of the makyng of owr lady sawther to mayster percas & other that were with hym but off nothyng elles that I geve remember as god me helpe

Also I putt thes thynges in wryttyng to mr doctor cokkes & his company or elles the very effect of the sam

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.