
Item that that letter th I had yt of mr gardener can I not tell but th of my lordes chaplen & that my lord sayd that you shall byd you good cher for yfe ther matters beryghte th have fryndes in nov & yf my lord do ponesth fully yt will be to his gret rebouke & henderance then I comm to mr Fort to oxfort & toldlyd hym mylord deed saye & ther sayd the he that ansur is good I nofe but than he sayd that he had hard be fore and I aske of whom & he sayd docter barbar & ther on I deed com hon but master ford sayd thus I herd say that my lord chancelar shold change hys offes & that mr bacer sholde have yt than sayd he I pray you reportyt nosuche thynges on my word tel you shall here yt furder notyfyed.

be me thomas callkot.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.