
and came the same night to bedd to the lion at barnett and the next morning this deponent came through  london / and uppon london birge met with one brymston of Cantorbury and mr Syracke petites servaunte Ryding into london / and the said mr shether petites Servaunte did shewe unto thys deponent that mr Shether was gone donne to Cantorbury agene This deponent did beite his horse in Southwarke and thafforsaid brimston afterwarde and this deponent came Rydyng the same night to gravesend to bedd / and the next morning daie the deponent came alone to Cantorbury about one of the clocke at after none to henry gear house draper and there taried about one owre in the which tyme no man came In to the said house to enquire or spoke with thys deponent / this done he went to his father Thatchers and their tarried half one ower / and after he retorned to gears house agene and their tarried parlie in the house and parly at the dore unto ix of the clock at of night  / and in all thys tyme none came to speke with hym nor he kepte compangne with none saving them of the said gears housholde / and after in the same house laye all nighte / and in the morning aboute viii of the clocke whent to alhollow Churche to hire messe and spacke with no man nor no man with hym otherwise then is above writen unto the tyme my lordes of Cantorbury servaunte met with hym  which broughte hym presentely to my saide lorde of Cantorbury

John thacher

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.