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To the 4 I say that your grace yn comunycatyon sayd that Idolum & Imago yn the greke wer all one more I remembre not.

To the vth I answer affyrmatyvely.

To the vith I say that shether was accusyd wytnessyd agaynst by the george maye off saynt Johns wych was by comyn fame notyd suspectyd who accusyd serlys I kow not

To the viith I say that serlys sayd that certayn off hotfyld could not be takyn to hys behalff yn testymony. to the resydew off thartycle I can not answer

To the viiith I can not otherwyse then to the vith artycle.

To the ixth I answer that forsomych as I could take off ther sermons they wer ynnocent. & the one declaryd on a stole that that he never prechyd at norgate as I dyd beare away & who put the other to prison I kow not

To the xth I say that have herd shether & serlys saye as I remembre saye that yt ys a wonderfull world that men dare not preche frely, but shall be accusyd but to the resydew I can not answer, nother to xith.

To the xiith I say that ii ymagys off Christ & ii pyctres off our lady wer pullyd down & but whether any oblatyon hath byn unto them I kow not Doctor nevynson with a commandement from your grace wyllyd mr setleger & other off the prebendarys to pull downe owne & the other wil  or sum off them wer pullyd by down by your gracehys lettre as they say that wer at hoe home I was not therfor I kow not the tennyre off the lettre.

In the 13 & 14th & xvth. I am ygnorant, & so yn the xviith To the xvith I say that the yndytement concernyd mr scorys prechyng that the supper off the lord was not sacrificium pro pecatis but hostia laudis, & he had yt off the clerke off the peace.

To the resydew off thartycles I say that I am ygnorant yn

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