Item what wourde Mr Bacar sent theym frome London by Serles

Item what Booke it was, that was laste sent to doctour willoughbyby Shethers servaunte / what the mattier therof was, And whan it was made and sente.

Item Wherfore thei advised Shether to write to doctour Willoughbyto gett hym oute of the waye, and to repaire unto the Courte or to some other of his ffrendes

Item what Inditment that was whiche Mr perkehurst reddeone nyght at supper, when thei talkid of the Sessions of the vi articles, whose Inditment it was, and where he hadd it

Item Whither Mr Bakar said to parkehurst, Gardener andShether when thei were at London, that there should be a Comission in kent Shortely

Item what names he wrote at the same tyme to be in the commission

Item Whither Mr Thwaytes said at divers tymes one line crossed out and illegible thei should still frome tyme totyme marke what was preachid, and say nothing but noote yt and send it to hym

Item At what tymes the same was spoken, and whither he saied that it was Mr Bakars counsaile

Item howe many Bookes were delivered to Petitt

Item whither one Booke was made wherin was this ArticleThat tharchebisshop did saye, that he wolde defende Scory and Rydlayes opinions

Item where that booke is become, and what tyme it was made

Item Whither Parkehurst and Gardener have communed withPettit, that the Comissarye and other of evill opinions and dispisers of Laudable ceremonies, wolde not have ben so bolde, yf thei had not ben comforted by my lorde.

Item whither thei with Shether, or Serls, have communedPetitt being present, that Markeham Stewarde to the Archebisshop was abiured, and what knowledge thei have therof

Item to whome thei sent to procure that tharchebisshop of Canterburyshoulde be no Comissioners, nor knowe the witnes And wherfore thei so wrote or sentte.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.