
Your grace wyllyng me to answer unto certayn ynterrogatorys sent unto me from your grace Thus I do answere unto them as folowyth.

To the ffyrst I do say that I do not knowe off any matters begonne at london nother the begynnars off them ther.


And to the second I answer that I do not know by whose advyse matters hath byn set forthe (except (wych I can not certaynly saye) by the yustycys off thys shyre as by mr moyle mr twaytes & such other wych (as I herd say) dyd gretly fer that sedycyous prechyng and occapyyng off corrupt bokys. by the wych ii thynges. scysme dyd engendre among the people. opyn dysputacyon was yn alehowsys ; & yn howseholdes reasy reasonyng among servantes off the wych dyd also aryse mych debate & stryffe) a commotyon wold or myght be among the people yn thys shyre by such evylles not then thorowly lokyd on. They therfor as I herd say wold put to the yndustry & dylygence to extyrppe such evylles that quyetnesse myght take place among the people & be yn dewe obedyence to godhys lawys & to the kynges but what they have don I knowe not ;


To the thyrd I say that I do not know who hath byn boldyd off any man to farder any matter nother wyth whom any man hath had confery conference by wordes wrytyng or otherwyse savyng that ones I dyd see a colleccyon of certayn supposyd abusys yn mr sentleger hys chambre, broght yn as I remembre by mr gardener or mr shether & yn that wer also the artycles that wer presentyd unto your grace that mr lawncelet rydley & mr scory prechyd ii yerys past But what that boke ys don wyth I know not. your grace knowyth that I was a wytnesse yn those artycles


And to the iiiith I do say that I do not knowe what grounde any man had to setforth matters off complaynt or myght have except that the sowyng off sedytyouse doctryne prechyd or tought (wych (as comyn voyce goythe) hath byn occasyon off many evylles shuld have movyd any man for quyetnesse sake among the people. to offer upp any matters off complaynt : wych sedycyous doctryne whether any promoter off matters had yt off hys or there owne knowlege or otherwyse I know not. as the vth artycle askyth.


And to the vith I say that I do not know whereyn any man shuld note your grace to be culpable yn any matter except that your grace shuld have byn (as the rumor goyth) remysse yn ponyshyng off those that the mor part off the people wer offendyd wyth. yn ther prechynges as mr lawncelat rydly & mr scory. & ponyshyd mr shether & dyd put mr serlys to troble wych ii hath the more part off the people as well off the cyte as off the countre to testyfy off ther catholyke prechyng And to declare farder unto your grace (trustyng that your grace wyll pardon off me & be not dyscontyd wyth my sayyng. beyng reqyryd to say the troth) wheras certayn artycles wer presentyd unto your grace by mr sentleger & mr parkhurst concernyng the prechyng off

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.