But to farder declare unto you that other matters hath byn comynyd to me as off any boke agayn your grace wrytyn or presentyd  by any person or persons I know not And to thys declaratyon off my mynd for a veryte I have subscrybyd my name as I have wrytyn yt with my hand

By me John myllys

also at a certayn tyme syth the cumyng off your grace hys chauncelors cumyng for the reformatyon off erroneous opynyons wyth your grach gracehys assystaunce I herd eyther mr gardener orel elles mr shether say that at what tyme mr heasy regester ynqiryd off one off them whether that he they dyd knowe off any boke presentyd to the kyng. The answer was (as one off them sayd) that he had byn wyth the kynges cownsell but what was askyd hym or wherut wherunto he answeryd ther or what he sayd ? he myght not nor wold not declare except your offycers or commyssyonars ther syttyng wold or could shewe a commyssyon for the same purpose.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.