Item where that Boke ys be cum and what tyme hit was made As I seyde a fore I remembre off no such Boke. yf ther wer any Swych boke yn troth I can not tell where yt ys be cum sholde be.


Item whether parkehurst and Gardener have commend wyth petyte that the Commyssary and other of Evyll opynyons & dyspisers of the lawdoble Ceremonies woolde not have byn so Boold yff they had not been Camfoorted by My lorde.

I do not Remembre of any Swych comynycacyon


Item whether they wyth Serlys or Schetherthey have command petyt beyng present. that Markeham Stueward to the Archbysh// shopp of Caunterbery was Abiured and what knolege they heve there off To thys as y can remembre we had no swych communycacyon


Item whan they sent to procure that Tharchbysshoppe off Caunterbery sholde be no commyssyon ner kno the wytnes. And where for they so wrete or sent I doo not Remembre that such any such thynges shold be procured or send for.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.