Item what Namys he wrote the same tyme to be yn the commyssyon to thys I sey. Thyse namys sir Thomas Mayle. sir Raynold Scott mr wylfford mr Walter Mayle mr Thwayttes mr Grene mr henry henry Cryppys mr Herdys & as suppose mr doctor leff 


Item whether mr Thwayttes seyd at dyverse tymys that they shold styll ffrom tyme to tyme Marke what was preched & sey notheng / & send hyt to hym To thys as I remembre the seyde mr Thwayttes dyd byd men to marke the sermons fferder I doo not Remembre


Item what Tymys the same was spoken and whether he seyde that it was mr Bakers Cowncell To this I sey I kno no determynat tyme ner tymes that thys sholde be spoken nether yete that he shold sey that hyt sholde be mr Bakers Cowncell


Item how Mony Bokys wer delyvered to petyt To thys y sey mr petyt dyd send to me for A Boke. And I dyd send hym the Copy off the Boke that mr Sayntleger & I dyd put up to mr lord off Canterbury other Bokys had I none. and by & by the seyde mr petyt dyd send unto me the seyde Boke a gayne & seyde that hit was not the Booke the he woolde have. any other Booke y do not kno that was delyvered unto hym


Item whether one Boke was made where yn was the Article that Tharchbysshopp dyd sey that he woolde deffend Scorys & Rydleys opynyons. In Troth y do not Remebre of any such Boke shuld be made ffor that purpoose

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.