Item yn what thyng or thynges they kno my lordes Grace Culpable yn / of there owne knolege and how they dyd kno hyt To thys I suppose. yff my lordes grace had at the fyrst begynyng ponesched at such as were Culpable for the prechyng of as mr Sayntlegeres & I dyd desyre hys grace to do at the puttyng up of owre Booke. thys Busenes had not be set forth but all shold have byn at a peace


Item the lyke to be Mynstred for the procedyng of the same mater at Canterbury To thys I sey as y have seyde Awnswered yn the fformor syxyth syxth Article


Item how manye Justyce of peace Gentylmen & other persons they have had conference with / yn these materys / And what they or other of them have don or ffavor yn the Same materys To thys I make Awnswere & sey I Remembre not that they shold had any conference to any Justyce of pece Gentylmen but onely to sir John Baker sir Thomas Moyle & mr Thwaytes. & what & every of them hath don as concernyng sir John Baker & mr Thwayttes there doyng as mych as I do remembre ys specyfyed a fore at Bekes Borne. as concernyng sir Thomas Moyle. I sewed your grace that At Greye yn. when the Mater was Shewed unto hym by mr Gardener mr Schether & me. by & by he dyd remyt us to sir John Baker a gayne


Item to what thyng they have cunduced unto To thys y sey I can not Shewe wherto or to w what thyng they have conduced unto. unles hyt be unto payne & peneschment and to unquyetnes

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.