The Awnsweres by me Rychard parkehurst clerke to my lord off Caunterbury upon thyse Interogatores here ffellowyng


In primis who was the Begynners of thyse Maters at london To thys y Awnswere. as I Suppose. the Begynnyng was by Resone off the Bookes delyvered to mr Thwayttes & to doctor wyllowby / by mr Gardener


Item by whoys advyse & Cowncell / it was set forward To thys I sey. After that the Boke was made wyth owte my advyse or Cowncell there off. mr Thwayttes mr Gardener mr Schether mr Petyte & I dyd kno off the settyng forth of the same.


Item wyth whom they had conference & who dyd Bolden & Animate them yn the Same. & yn what fowrme by woordes or wrytyng or othere wyse To thys I sey that y doo not Remembre that any men had conference to Any man that sholde Bolden or Anymat any man yn the same other by woordes or wrytyng / a fore the Cumyng up of mr Gardener mr Schether & of me to london to sir John Baker. wych dyd Anymat us to sey the Trewght seyng ffere no man. seyng also I kno the kynges plesure


Item what mater they had at the Begynnyng for there ffundacyon or grownde yn thyse Thynges To thys I Awnswere as I suppose by cause bycause there was no ponyschment had or done concernyng doctor lawncelett Rydley & mr Scorys prechynges but onely mr Serlys & mr Schether war ponysched. the one to declare hys sermond standyng upon a Stole the other a grete seysen yn preson Thys y thynke suerly was the occasyon ffundacyon & grownde of makyng of the Booke.


No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.