Item whether thes wordes communyte off all thynges were presentyd or nott : I doo nott remember thatt thes wordes all thynges was presentyd

Item how many artyclys be addyd or dymyschyd : I know off none nor remember off none addyd or dymynyschyd : In the boke a yenst mr rydley & mr scory : savyng one addyd : scz Ther ys none In hevyn butt Christ In the boke presentyd a yenst my lordes grace. I doo remember thatt the artycle of maner place also off an Indyfferentt Jugde ar out off the boke presentyd unto sir Baker, as I doo now remember.

Item wheter thatt all thes artyclys were presentyd In writyng or noo : unto thys artycl mr sentleger & mr parkhurst presenters a yenst mr Rydley and mr scory : can make clerar answere then I : yett by your graces ffavor. I schall make answere : as I have here and know : mr sentleger and mr parkhurst dyd nott presentt them In writing all att one tyme : ffor one lakkyd : scz. Then ys none In hevyn butt christ : Thatt artycle ffor lakk of wytnesse / as then was? left out but afterward within schortt space your grace beyng att london and heryng thatt suche a thynge was prechyd : your grace sentt unto us wy? us to Inquyre : wheter hytt were prechyd or noo : wher and by whom and whatt wytnesse mygth be ffownd unto hytt ; We accompanyd to gyther mr sentleger with the rest. In our chapterhowse dyd examyn morden and Colman ii off owr vycars : They herd hytt preched by mr scory at sayntt alpheges In canterbury : And uppon ther testyffyng we sentt up letters unto your grace theroff and the wytnesse names therwyth.

Item wher as mr serles had prechyd as was layde unto hym : thatt noe ydolatrye : mygthe be unto an ymage off our lady etc. : ffor as mych as all ymages were representers off saynttes and noo ydoles : yowr grace nott contentyd with hym sayde thatt all ymages were ydolles : [but] sayde nay : whatt ys ydolum sayde my lord unto serles : serles sayde ydolum niehil etc. : your grace sayde thatt ydolum & ymago in greke was

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.