ffor as myche as when I was with yowr grace last att yowr place namyd Bekesborne the xviith off Novembre: Yowr grace dyd mynyster unto me certen artycles Interrogatoreys. Unto whom by cause. I then lakkyd tyme and leysur: Also I had nott myne Answere so holy In memory: as I now have:

I then made answere : as I mygth remember: butt nott so fully: so thorowly : as now I purpose to doo: havyng the matter better In memory. Wherfor att thys presentt tyme: I shall desyre yowr grace gracyusly to acceptt thys: thatt here I now: doo send unto yowr grace. ffor so perffytt and full an answere: as I have now In remembrance: unto the Interrogatoreys then unto me mynysteryd

ffyrst so ffar as I doo know or ever mygthe here off : All or most partt off the artyclys a yenst Mr Rydley and Mr scory presentyd: were provyd: yff they were not yett I am assuryd to say thatt enowg wyll say thatt they were by them prechyd

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.