quyetnesse : And so att the last : Syr Coxson one off the pety canons In christes churche : (then levyng) dyd comyn with me. whatt was best to be don : (ffor he had herd off doctor wyllybys beyng ther :) ffor thententt to have an unyfforme : a quyett : and a godly prechyng  withowt all Jars : In tyme cummyng :. he determyd to draw thys boke off my lordes communyca- tyon. when off partt was thatt we schuld nott make Invectyves in the polpett on trinyte sonday : had emongst us prebendarys : and the resydew also he dye : as hytt her apperyth followythe : butt nott all : ffor the artycle off ymages and the VI prechers I drew : Off thys drawgthe don by coxson no man dyd know butt I : ffor he wold nott have hytt knowne : and unto thys tyme no man dyd otherwyse know : butt thatt hytt was my drawgthe : Thys drawgthe made : and with my hand writyn: I schewyd hytt unto mr Thwayttes : butt he sagely :

he namyd my lord of wynchester   or any other namyng   man

(as he ys a wyse man) wold thatt wyllyby schuld be ware : and aske cowncell : off suche as knew best: whatt to be don. In soche matter : ffor hytt was a waygthy matter :.: Unto thys boke coxson dyd adjoyne : the boke In ffore tyme. unto my lordes grace presentyd concernyng the prechynges :: off mr Rydley and mr Scory : he wrotte dyverse coopys : and then hytt was nott knowne : thatt any had hytt butt he : Thys boke drawne was delyveryd unto doctor wylly- by : hys bylles also were delyveryd unto hym nott lokyd on : nor medlyd with And so he havyng the boke : whyther he wentt with hytt: unto whom he resor- tyd. and shewyd the boke : In good ffayzthe I know nott : Butt unto london he wentt : and ther beyng he sentt downe a copy off thatt boke : by whoys motyon. I nor none off my company doo know as I can here off : he wrotte thatt he must nedes have hytt subscrybyd : We wentt to gyther and subscrybyd the boke : thorowly : thatt was then newly made : Thes sett therunto ther handes : mr Sentleger : mr parkhurst : mr huntt: I william Gardner : mr mylles mr Schether : Syr Coxson : Syr Coxx :. All thes nott subscrybyng unto every artycle : butt summe unto one : summe unto an other : as we knew them trew : So thatt they all were subscrybyd unto : emongst us : : Mr Serles subscrybyd nott : ffor he was then other In london : other I oxfford : whether off bothe I am nott sewar : butt he was nott emongst us : and knew nott then : off the boke made :. Thatt don. doctor wyllyby : had the boke a gen unto whom he presentyd hytt: or dyd schew hytt : and with whom he hadd

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.