sir Anthony Browne


On aester evyn last past : when I william Gardner beyng In the qwyre off christes churche In Canterbury : Doctor willyby came Into owr churche and desyryd to speke with me. unto whom when I dyd cume : he prayid me to speke with me In my chamber Thyther when we dyd cume : he drew owtt ffrom hys purse ii bylles contaynyng certen matters : (here emongst us : worthy (as he thowght) off refformatyon: And he sayd thatt he hadd spokyn with Serles : one off the kynges hyghnesse prechers In Canterbury : and lernyd them off hym : I herd lytyll off them redd : ffor I had no mynd to here them : and reffusyd to receyve them : he was so Importune uppon me : and sayde thatt he hadd byn with dyverse off the cowncell : (whatt they were I know nott) and they gave unto hym suche wordes (as he sayde) thatt he was myche conffortt to goo a bowt hys matter : yett att the last : by Importune labor unto me : he left them with me : ffor iii or iii dayis : I dyd wrapp upp the bylles : nott lokyng on them : not medlyng with any matter In them : . ffor I never thowght : on suche matters. untyll doctor wyllyby : dyd mynyster occasyon : Butt then afterward consyderyng the abusys In prechyng : partly In christes churche (as I with other sorowyng dyd noote) A brode lykewyse (as the people dyd reportt) lamentyng thatt the people : schuld be so seducyd : and provokyd : ffrom the quyett trade off godes word : and the kynges maJesteys ordynaunces : whom to kepe : every trew subjectte owghte :) and castyng thatt the denyall : In prechyng dyd aryse : by lakk off dew refformatyon : off suche : as were be ffore : ffor evyll prechyng : unto my lordes grace presentyd : and unto owr knowlege nott refformyd : butt rather theruppon boldyd : to doo lyke : as they dyd beffore : (as by ther prechyng we myghte perceyve) had communy- catyon emongst us : att sondry tymys : desyrusse to have a thorow

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