10 9.

who In fyrmyd that a comission scholde come downe that was fyrst moysyon that serlys made to master london at his fyrst comonig & london mayde hit sure & that mayde them bolde & then he demandyd the names of the onest of the temporallte & also of the spiritualte of the temporallte was master moylle master baker master thwates master boyes & diverse oder I can not tell ther names & of the cherche master of maydestone master of wye master parcus master garner & master sellynger


Indede i tolde master fogg of all that I knew & that I harde that same talle: & so I dyd here hit in dede in cryst cherche bot to tell hit as hit was tolde I can not nor hoo tolde hit bot hit was spokon at atabyll that my lordes grace scholde bottyd & sporyd Rede a lector on the sacrament of the alter saying hit was bot asemelytude & so lefte hit of Reavly weche trobylde the herers hartes meche

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.