
fyrst tyme that I was movyd to pot up ony artekyll was abowte avent by serlys at home with me


what communicacion that I had with serlys of palme sonday hit dothe apere in my boke of my fyrst answer to my lordes grace


also what serlys sayde to london I have also notyd in my former byll he chyd for altereng of them. & that was the casse he sent for the same artekylles beyng at home In his purse. even in palmeson weke of schyre thorsday or good fryday as


i thenke I came home & tolde garner & asched for the wrytyng at serlys sent for & salsbere colde not befonde & efter dener gardiner callyd me In to the gardyn & deleverde me the oder wryttyng & bad me schow them to master london & to my lorde of venchester bot schether copyde them owt fyrst in order & I toke them  & sayde my lorde scholde have them & I lette london se them & so forthe as I have sayde be fore in my oder wrytyng


what I dyd with the coppie I dyd kypp hit styll my selffe



wher I schoyde the boke to my lorde of venchester or no schetheres man caryd hit to my lorde hym selffe in al your names I went with hym my selffe my lorde had no laser to loke on hit & so I keppte it to ther comyng to london & thay resayvyd hit of me agane


ther was never none gave me seche comforde oder then I had of master london & of my lorde of venchester as I have schowyde be fore also


I never sayde that the consell gave me ane comforde bot that london tolde me that I scholde have meche thanke bot all this his to exskewse them selves bot and hyffe thay had had comforde as I know none thay had scholde thay ther apon In vent false maters apon any man how scholde hit stonde to geder or with reson that thay dyd this be comfort of ony bode when thay had all rede drawn or ever I spake with them or come downe bot falsodewoll ever have afoolle hende

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.