Item thys day Mr. mylles after dyner came unto us. & sayde unto Mr. schether god geve yow Joy: wheroff sayde Mr. schether: Ther sayde Mr. mylles Mr. doctor thornden sayde : thatt he wold lay xxs thatt Mr. schether schuld be my lordes chaplen

Item we communyd off the vycar off saynct paules Imprisomentt and musyd att hytt saying we wonder whatt hytt dothe mane exceptt hytt be ffor the artycle thatt we were examynyd off: In good ffaygth I know nott sayde I. god helpe hym: I wyll loke unto my selffe

Thes all trew off my consyence as I doo remember per me William gardiner

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.