Item with Mr. parkhurst I communyd off the boke subscribyd: he sayde thatt he remembryd nott wherunto he dyd subscribe and desyryd me to Instructt hym wherunto he had subscribyd I sayde In good ffaythe I know nott: he sayde I am sewar you can: I sayd nay: and no more I cannott as god schall save me: Thys day he askyd off me whether hys name was unto the artyclye off serles prisonmentt. I sayd ye & he sayde nay: I dyd styll affyrme hytt to be trew

I told hym that I wold cast gathr al dowttes uppon the boke soo nye as I cowld: And I ffor my partt wold make myne answere as well as I mygth: And so I dyd to be the better avysyd In myne answere makyng: I made myne answere and he saw them & sayde yow have gon thorowly me thynkythe I lyke them well: wyll you send them unto my lord: ye thatt I wyll. & soo I dyd by Mr. parkehurst servantt I sentt them unto Mr. doctor ley and he askyd how I did & byd me be mery: I thanke hys mastershypp hartely sayd I

Item as concernyng the communycatyon of the cumyng off my lord warden & my lord cobbam I remember none off my trewgth: butt thys I askyd schall we nott apere In the grett hawlle be ffore the lordes: I thynke nott sayde Mr. parkehurst: I pray god we may nott sayde I: other communycatyon then thys. I remember nott

Item yesterday I remembryd thatt I communyd with Mr. mylles off Mr. rydleys artycle: saying: In good ffaygthe I wylnott say wheter hytt be good or badd well or evyll I sayde. I am butt a wytnesse: lett my lord Jugde

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.