Visitacion Nevenson


In the visitacion of Mr Commissary kept at Sevington Anno 1542 aboute michaelmas said to the parsons and vicars standing before hym. at the high aulter that they shuld geve no absolucion to suche as wer confessed except they could say their pater noster Ave and Crede in thenglishe tounge. But wold it to be deferred untill Easter. and than to be geven absolucion to them with their communion. Than one Mr. parsonne of Allyngton saied that they wold say that they uttered their confession. Than said Mr. Commissarye Ubi Invenies auricularem confessionem esse de jure divino. Respondit persona veniebant ad Johannem Baptistam et confitentur peccata sua / et additid quomodo confitebantur, aut publice aut occulte / dixit ille publice.


  • John Sill Curate de mersham.
  • John Baynes Curate of Savington
  • Richard maister of Alyngton
  • Orphen
  • Robert Haynes.

To the Right honorable and our especially good lorde Tharchebishop of Caunterbury,


Shewith unto your good lordshipp your poore Oratours and parochianers of your parrishe of Elmestede. That whereas of late tymes by the evill informations of divers evill dispoased personnes geven to your Comissary that there shuld be lightes kept and oblations doon

"In the visitation of Mr. Commissary kept at Sevington, Anno 1542, about Michaelmas, said to the said parsons and vicars standing before him at the high altar that they should give no absolution to such as were confessed except they could say their Paternoster, Ave and Creed in the English tongue, but would it be deferred until Easter and then to be given absolution to them with their Communion. Then one Mr. Parson of Allington (fn. 32) said that they would say that they uttered their confession. Then said Mr. Commissary Ubi invenies auricularem confessionem esse de jure divino? Respondit persona Venicbant ad Johannem Baptistam et confitentur peccata sua. Et addidit, Qomodo confitebantur, aut publice aut accurate? Dixit ille Publice." (NOTE:Summarized)Petition to Cranmer from the parishioners of Elmestede, representing that malicious and untrue information had been given to his Commissary that lights were kept and oblations done