Raynold buckmer


The saying and opinion of Raynold Bucker of Boxley spoken and obstinately declared by hym in the feast of thassumption of our lady or the Sonday after in the xxxi yeres of the kinges majestes most noble Reign in the hous of John May of Boxley in the presence and hearing of thesame John Man John Todd and John Stockwell. whiche Raynold Buckmer was abjured by the lorde warham. late Archebishop of Canterbury which abjuration Mr. Doctour Leef, Mr. of maidestone college can declare more at length

vi articles



ffirst he said That the Sacrament of thaulter was breade as other breade was / and that the knave preestis did receyve hym before none / and did pisse and shit hym out at whores arsses at after none Which accusation was taken before Sir Christofer hailes knight deceased at maideston the xxii yer of the kinges moost noble Reign / and in writing delivered to Mr. Nevenson now Commissarye by henry Cloake then servaunt to thesame Sir Christofer, and also thesame henry Cloke did heare thesame wourdes of buckmer rehersed by the witnes aforesaid. and also declared it to the said commissary. And afterward the same Sir Christopher sent for thesaid Buckmer and the witnes to maidestone by Rauf Johnson his servaunt / which Rauf delivered thesaid buckmer to the commissary / and also the witnes, Where the commissary thretened the said John Todd as he saieth and will say. and for a while thesaid buckmer was in my lorde Archebishops palace as they said underward. But he went at large and did pull hemp: And after the death of the said Sir Christofer or a litle before, thesame Buckmer was sent home ayen unponyshed contrarye to the kinges lawes. And thus bearing and favor with suche like hath been courage o to other ill doers concerning ill opinions

VIII. "The saying and opinion of Raynold Bucker of Boxley, spoken and obstinately declared by him in the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady or the Sunday after in the 31 years (sic) of the King's Majesty's most noble reign, in the house of John Man of Boxley, in the presence and hearing of the same John Man, John Todde and John Stockwell; which Raynold Buckley was abjured by the lord Warham, late Archbishop of Cant'; which abjuration Mr. Dr. Leef, Master of Maidstone College, can declare more at length." 1. He said that the Sacrament of the Altar was bread like other bread; "and that the knave priests did receive him before noon and did piss and shit him out at whores' arses at afternoon; which accusation was taken before Sir Christopher Hales, knight, deceased, at Maidstone the xxij (sic) year of the King's most noble reign, and in writing delivered to Mr. Nevinson, now Commissary. And afterward by Henry Cloake, then servant to the same Sir Christopher; and also the same Henry Cloke did hear the same words of Buckmer rehearsed by the witness aforesaid, and also declared it to the said Commissary. And afterwards the same Sir Christopher sent for the said Buckmer and the witness to Maidstone by Rauf Johnson his servant; which Rauf delivered the said Buckmer to the Commissary and also the witness; where the Commissary threatened the said John Todd, as he sayeth and will say. And for a while the said Buckmer was in my lord Archbishop's palace, as they said, under ward. But he went at large and did pull hemp. And after the death of the said Sir Christopher, or a little before, the same Buckmer was sent home again unpunished, contrary to the King's laws. And thus bearing and favor with such like hath been courage to other ill doers concerning ill opinions.