24 Septembre Anno 1543.

Thomas Carden

Thomas Carden vicar of lynne saied spake this in Selling churche in lent was ii or iii yeres past


ffirst he saied that he supposed that Saint Katherine was rather a devill in hell, than a saint in heaven

herecie n

He preached that the people say nought / and that this terme is nought to say. That they shuld receyve their maker at Easter: but they shuld say wee shall receyve our housell.


He hath preached in his awne churche, the water of the font is no better than other water is, Testes Dominus Richardus Browne vicarius de Sellynges,

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24 Sept. 1543.Thomas Carden vicar of Lynne said in Selling church two or three years ago that he supposed St. Katharine was rather a devil in Hell than a saint in Heaven; that it was wrong for people to say they should receive their Maker at Easter, but they should say We shall receive our housel. In his own church he preached that the water of the font is no better than other water. (Ws., Sir Rob. Browne, vicar of Selling, Ric. Poole and Th. DilnotCr. in a separate note makes the first "dom. Rich'us Browne.")