
than beware and follow it not / adding thies wourdes yf you will aske your conscience what she thinketh of suche newe fangles as is brought into the churche of god / she will say that they be naught

seditious n


He also preached that no men now a daies saieth That hollywater signifieth of Christes bludde. O thies arre veray glorious wourdes but it  is not fitte good christians that suche newe fangles and phantasies of men shuld be brought into the churche of god

Item in al his sermons he commonly useth to make invections agaynst the other precheres of this cathedral church, makynge the peple bileve. that the precheres of the church prech no thynge but a carnal libertie, new fangle erroures & herecies, agaynst the blessed sacrament of thaltare, agaynst frewil, as auriculer confession, prayer,  fastynge, & all good workes. D. Thornden

22 Septembris 1543.



He preached on palme sonday was xii month that all maisters and mestres were bounden to eate egges, butter and chese in lent / to geve ensample to their houshold to do the same,



Item he saied that the Ceremonies of the churche werr but beggerly ceremonies / whiche terme he saied was the moost metest terme that he could fynd or geve to it wytnes Gardner, milles, Bul. Thomas wod

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.