Item he preached: that there was some that saied that parte of the Ave maria was made by a Strumpet

Item in a Sermon he preached that Christ in the gospell confounded mary magdalen with ii paraboles: lykening her to an ale stake and to a poore woman. Whome an Emperour had married and in his presence did lye with a leporouse lazar man.


He preached in kennyngten churche on goodfriday Anno 1542. That as a man was creeping the crosse uppon good friday. The ymage it self losed it self of the cros. and met the man before he cam at the cros and kissed hym,

He preached at the buriall of Mr Boys that by the Receyving of the sacramentes and penaunce all a mans deedly synnes were forgeven clerely, but the venyall synnes remayned, / And for them they that dyed shuld be punysshed, Except they wer relevid by masses and diriges after their deathe

he precheth no sermon but one parte of it is an invective agaynst the other precheres of the c Christes church.

He also preached that there were some who said "that part of the Ave Maria was made by a strumpet." In one sermon he preached "that Christ in the gospel confounded Mary Magdalen with 2 parables, likening her to an alestake and to a poor woman whom an Emperor had married and in his presence did lie with a leporous lazar man." He preached in Kennington ch. on Good Friday 1542 "that as a man was creeping the cross upon Good Friday the image loosed itself off the cross and met the man before he came at the cross and kissed him." "He preached at the burial of Mr. Boys that by the receiving of the Sacraments and penance all a man's deadly sins were forgiven clearly, but the venial sins remained; and for them they that died should be punished except they were relieved by masses and diriges after their death." "He preacheth no sermon but one part of it is an invective against the other preachers of Christ's Church." (fn. 28)