Item he preached than and there. That all the hole faithe of the world, remayned in mary only for the space of iii daies and iii nyghtes

Item that faieth was dede in thappostelles, and in all the world. from the deathe of Christe till his resurrection. and remayned in Virgyn mary hole and only

Item he preached that the sorrowes that she had were greater and more paynefull than Christes But for deathe only

Item he preached this: Christe descended into hell and rose the thirde day. and ascended into heaven. and many moo. with hym. saying this: Multa corpora ascenderunt cum Christo ut prohiberent testimonium. Yea many bodies did ascende with Christ that they might beare witnes of his Ascention

Sir Rauff post clerke. Robert Burgeis. John Colier. John ffurner, Jamys perry

Item the xii daye of August. Anno predictus in the parrishe churche of Ashford he preached. That prayer was not acceptable to god. but in the churche only and no where ellis. Alledging this text


Domus mea domus orationis vocabitur

Item he pre preched there and than, sayinge, in discoragynge of men from the redynge bible you ffelowes of the new trickery that go up and downe with your testamentes in your handes, I pray you what profet take you by theym,


Item than and there he preached thus. As Adam was expulsed out of paradise for medlyng with a tree of knouledge. even so be wee: for medling with the scripture of Christ.

that all the faith of the world remained in Mary only for 3 days and 3 nights from the death of Christ till his Resurrection, and her sorrows were more painful than Christ's but for death only; that when Christ ascended into Heaven many ascended with him, to bear witness of it. (Witnesses, Sir Rauff Post, clk., Robert Burges, John Colier, John Furner, Jas. Perry.) On 12 Aug. he preached in the parish ch. of Ashford that prayer was not acceptable to God but in the church only, alleging the text Domus mea domus orationis rocabitur; he also discouraged men from reading the Bible, saying "You fellows of the new trickery that go up and down with your Testaments in your hands, I pray you what profit take you by them?" (fn. 27) He also said, as Adam was expelled from Paradise for meddling with a tree of knowledge. "even so we for meddling with the Scripture of Christ."