Mr Shether


what tyme he made his recantation or declaration, he added thies wordes. Good christians I take god to recorde that I never preched any thynge to you in my life but the truth. Mr Nevil. Mr Scory. Mr Toftes, Peter kelsame, George Toftes.

He preched that by the lawe of god no man ought to excommunicate but only a preist.

Coxson peticanon of christes church



He made his testament by the advise of Mr parkhurst, Mr Sandwich and Mr Milles, and gafe and biquethed to every vicar of Christes church xxd, that had a payer of beades, & wolde  say our lady psalter for his sowle, which is thought to be agaynst the kynges boke last set forth in the article of prayer for the sowles departed. And this was executed accordynge to the wil.

The parson of Alyngton

the busshope of Rome


he never preched in his church of Alyngton nor Smeth agaynst the usurped power of the busshope of Rome, nor set forth the kynges supremicie, accordynge to the kynges proclamations, letteres and iniunctions.


he hath been a grete setter forth in his parish of the mayde of kent, pilgrimages, fayned reliques, & other such superstitions, & yet never recanted & reproved the same, accordynge to the kynges majesties said injunctions.


he hath not declared to his parishioneres that the eves of such holy dayes as be abrogate, be no fastynge dayes, accordynge to the kynges injunctions.


Opon the sondeyes candlemas day, Ashe wednesday, palme sonday, and good friday he hath not declared the true use of these ceremonies used those dayes, accordynge to the kynges iniunctions proclamations. James Blechynden gent. william Benefelde gentylmen. Mr Everynge, John knygh James Toft with other.

xiv. Mr. Shether, when he made his recantation or declaration added, "Good Christians, I take God to record that I never preached anything to you in my life but the truth.Mr. Nevil, Mr. Scory, Mr. Toftes, Peter Kelsame, George Toftes." (2.) He preached that, by the law of God, no man ought to excommunicate, but only a priest. xv. Coxsom, petty canon of Christchurch, made his testament by advice of Mr. Parkhurst, Mr. Sandwich and Mr. Milles, and bequeathed "to every vicar of Christchurch 20d. that had a pair of beads and would say Our Lady's psalter for his soul; which is thought to be against the King's book last set forth in the article of prayer for the souls departed. And this was executed according to the will." xvi. The parson of Alyngton (fn. 23) "never preached in his church of Alyngton* nor Smeth against the usurped power of the Bishop of Rome, nor set forth the King's supremacy." (2.) He has been a great setter forth in his parish of the Maid of Kent, pilgrimages, feigned relics and other superstitions, and yet never recanted or reproved the same. (3.) He has not declared to his parishioners "that the Eves of such holy days as be abrogate be no fasting days." (4.) On the Sundays, Candlemas day, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, and Good Friday he has not declared the true use of the ceremonies used those days according to the King's proclamations.Jas. Blechynden and Wm. Benefelde, gentlemen, Mr. Everynge, John Knyght, Jas. Toft with other.