
Item whither you saied that Doctor Tailor was a man of evill Iudgement, and noselid and brought vp in the same. What mouid you so to saie, wherin his Iudgement is evill, and by whome he was so noseled and brought vp


Item Whither you wrote a lettre unto Hungarforde of Sandewiche and what was the effecte of the same


Item what communicacion you had with sir Thomas Moile about the laste Sessions, and whither you gave to hym or sent to hym any wryting, and what was the effecte therof

Item Whither you wolde haue hadd Serls and Shether or either of theym to come to you secretlye with thair Articles, and you wolde haue holpen them the beeste you colde, and to whome you saied theis wourdes or like in effecte Item what wrytinges you haue receyuid frome any man as towching theis matters in kente, and frome whome and what was theffecte therof

Item what communication ye had at London of Doctor Leghs being with me, and with whome you so communed Item who made the bill put vp in the clergis name againste the commissarie for exercising Iurisdiction ecclesiasticall and whose hande it ys,

Item what communicacion you haue had concernyng theis matters in kente with the Chaunceller of London, Doctor Cole, and with Doctor Clement the phisitian or other of theym

11. "Whether you said that Dr. Tailor was a man of evil judgment and noselid and brought up in the same;" what moved you so to say, wherein his judgment is evil, and by whom he was so "noseled and brought up." 12. Whether you wrote a letter to Hungarforde of Sandwich, and to what effect. 13. What communication you had with Thomas Moile about the last sessions, and whether you gave or sent him any writing, and to what effect. 14. Whether you would have had Serls and Shether to come to you secretly with their articles, and helped them to the best of your power; and to whom you said these words. 15. What writing you have received of any man, and whom, &c., touching these matters in Kent. 16. What communication you had at London, and with whom, touching Legh's being with me. 16. Who made the bill put up in the clergy's name against the Commissary for exercising jurisdiction ecclesiastic. What communication you have had touching these matters in Kent with the Chancellor of London, Dr. Cole, or Dr. Clement the physician. Pp. 2. In the same hand as the preceding. Some articles marked in the margin.