ffirste what communication by worde or wryting you haue hadd with Mr Roper, Balthasar the surgian, Heywood Mr Moore Jermeyn Gardyner, Mr Bekensall or with either of theym, and to what effecte suche communication hath



In primis what communication you hadd at your laste being here with Milles the Prebendarie


Item whither you saied to the said Milles amonges other communication theis wourdes or like in effecte folowing, here ar many matters complayned on, and thei arr greatlie delaied, and goeth not forwarde, that I am werie of altogether,


Item who sholde be the cause of suche delaie, or that no moore good was doon, as ye thought


Item What communication you hadd with killygrewe at Bekisbourne at your being there

Item What communication you had with the Chaunceller of Rochester

Item Whither in communication with hym, ye spake theis wourdes or like in effecte, I wolde all ambitious knaves were hanged I wolde all maynteynoures of newe opinions were hanged I wolde all knaves that breketh Orders were hanged I wolde all knaves that be againste the common welth were hanged. What and of whome you mente by every one of theis kinde of knaves

Item whither you saied theis wourdes or like in effecte  What shoulde we doo with my lordes grace, seing that Serls and Shether be in warde, for we haue nothing to do there, and what movid you so to saie

Item whither you saied theis wourdes or like in effecte Thynkes in lordes grace, that is a waie to a quietnes in kente to haue Doctor Legh there, and what movid you so to saie and what you mente therbye.

Item whither you haue saied to divers persons that you were susspecte in theis matters, and wherin and by whome you thought yourself susspecte

ii. A second set of Interrogatories. First what communication you have had by word or writing with Mr. Roper, Balthasar the surgeon, Heywood, Mr. Moore, Jermeyn Gardyner or Mr. Bekensall, and to what effect. 2. What, at your last being here, with Milles the prebendary. 3. Whether you said to Milles "Here are many matters complained on, and they are greatly delayed and goeth not forward, that I am weary of altogether." 4. Who should be the cause of such delay that no more good was done, as you thought. 5. What communication you had with Killygrewe at Bekisborne; 6. What with the Chancellor of Rochester. 7. Whether you said to him "I would all ambitious knaves were hanged. I would all maintainers of new opinions were hanged. I would all knaves that breaketh orders were hanged. I would all knaves that be against the Commonwealth were hanged." Whom you meant by each of these kinds of knaves. 8. Whether you said "What should we do with my lord's Grace, seeing that Serls and Shether be in ward; for we have nothing to do there." And what moved you so to say. 9. Whether you said "Thinks my lord's Grace that is a way to a quietness in Kent to have Dr. Legh there?" and what you meant thereby. 10. Whether you have said to divers persons that you were suspect in these matters, and wherein and by whom you thought yourself suspect.