

Peple may knele bifore images with their bookes & beads kysse their feete, sence theym, & offre to theym, so that they directe al this honour to the sayntes in heavyn.



As Christ was accused by ii or iii false knaves, so a man may be accused by ii or iii false knaves, & the juge as false a knave as the best, & so be condemned

The next sonday after.



I dyd prove by Ezechiel, hieremy, saynt Paule & Origene, that an image was none idole.

I called theym water laggers


You ar greved with me bicause I called theym waterlaggers which have chaunged our good wyne into water. Truly I cowde invent no fytter name for theym, but evyn as I said than, so I say agayne. I bishrewe  their hartes for me. Thay ar come hither & have corrupte our good wyne. I wolde thay wolde get theym home agayne thither from whens they cam But they must be smoked & purged rownde about with fire, or elles we shal never be rid of theym.

seditious n

Som of you thought that som sholde have been hanged, but if you had deserved no more to be burned than thay have to be hanged, you sholde both do wel enough.

plura quere fo. sequente.


23 Apriles in the chapter howse.

sclanderous n

Now a dayes good christians thay tech no thynge but carnal libertie. No man doth teach you the commaundmentes of god, no man doth prech unto you goddes lawes yea no man dare do it, or rather wil do it not.

15 Maii at saynt Stevyns.


He made the people bileve with a grete multitude words that they had prechers here which had preched agaynst a vocal prayer, & had called vocal prayer no thynge but babelynge & lippe labour.

(fn. 11) "People may kneel before images with their books or beads, kiss their feet, sence them and offer to them, so that they direct all this honour to the Saints in heaven." Margin : "Images." (fn. 11) "As Christ was accused by 2 or 3 false knaves, so a man may be accused by 2 or 3 false knaves, and the judge as false a knave as the best, and so be condemned." Margin : "Seditious." The next Sunday after. (fn. 11) "I did prove by Ezechiel, Hieremy, St. Paul and Origen that an image was none idol." Margin : Images. (fn. 11) "You are grieved with me because I called them waterlaggers which have changed our good wine into water. Truly I could invent no fitter name for them; but even as I said then, so I say again. I beshrew their hearts for me. They are come hither and have corrupt our good wine. I would they would get them home again thither from whence they came. But they must be smoked and purged round about with fire, or else we shall never be rid of them." Margin : "Seditious." (fn. 11) "Some of you thought that some should have been hanged, but if you had deserved no more to be burned than they have to be hanged you should both do well enough." Margin : "Seditious." "Prima qure fo. sequente." iii. Shether, 23 Aprilis, in the Chapter house. (fn. 11) "Nowadays, good Christians, they teach nothing but carnal liberty, no man doth teach you the Commandments of God; no man doth preach unto you God's laws; yea, no man dare do it, or rather will not." Margin : "Slanderous." 15 Maii, at St. Stevyns. (fn. 11) "He made the people believe with a great multitude of words that they had preachers here which had preached against vocal prayer, and had called vocal prayer nothing but babbling and lip labor." Margin : "Slanderous."