Most reverend father yn god my humble dewty remembryd unto your grace. And I knowyng ryght well that yn that I subscrybyd unto certayn artycles (thoze unadvydesly) have showyd gret unkyndnes unto your grace yn my so doyng & agayne for that have deservyd lytle kyndnes at your grace hys hand: & now do suffer cold ymprysonent at your grace hys pleasyre wych ys very tedyouse paynfull unto me & as I fere gret daunger myght ensue unto me by augmentyng that cold and couhge that I have  taken before & now yncreasyth. bysyde the ynward pensyffnes off hart taken for thys my rashe fact at our other manhys lyght motyon as wyth other off my company which I thynk dyd wych now (I thynk) lamentyth them mych. ye so mych that at such tyme as I have byn yn company wythe them I have herd them they say that they could not slepe nether eate that  thyng or drynk that dyd do them mych good. as I am one of them. wherfor most gracyous lord these premysses and other consyderyd by the wych syknes off body may encrese & the hart wast Thys shall to humbly beseche your grace to mercyfully yntreate me & that now I may fynd sum dropp off mercy at your grace hys hand for thys my ymprysoment. Assuryng your grace that I shall take thys ponyshment for my lernyng & not at any tyme hereafter to be so lyghtly alluryd at any manhys motyon to put to unadvysedly my hand or consent to any such matter herafter. Now gratyouse lord shew pyte & mercy unto me. wych I do aske off your grace & do hirtly desyre yt. with wepyng eyye & sorowfull hart as knowyth god.

By your John Myllys

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.