Most honorable ffather unavysydly as god shall save me : I have offendyd yowr grace ; And I thynke nott the contrary : butt thatt summe bakk ffrend : hath don unto me : more hurt and hynderawnce then I have att yowr graces hand deservyd : ffor I know well In myne owne conscyence : I have no thyng so hygly offendyd : as I doo perceyve thatt yowr grace ys Infformyd off me : In good ffaygthe I speke hytt off my conscyence And beffore god : I wold I were under grownd : ffor now have I lost thatt : which I never thought to lose a gen : ye thatt : off whom had : I was as gladd : as ever I was off beneffytt receyvyd In thys world as knowythe my salvyour christ Jhesus : who preserve your grace

Yowrs William Gardner

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.