Unto thys Interrogatory whatt communycation you have herd by wyllyby

Now rememberyng thatt in that matter concernyng wyllyby mr schether and I had communycatyon In thys wyse : I have herd say and In good faygthe I know nott now off whom : thatt wyllyby hathe busyd hym selfe (I thynke overmyche) namyng grett men : as he sayde to be aknowlege In thys matter : and with whom he hathe had communycatyon : well chose hym : I trust althowghe he hathe namyd any a bove : we schall spede never the worse by that : ffor In good ffaygthe : when I was a bove : I spake with none : savyng with thos : whom I have all redy namyd unto my lordes grace : And off them I never herd one mysse word spokyn by my lord : And I thynke yow : herd no evyll ther spokyn or Intendyd : Schether sayde : Noo In good faygthe : Then sayde : I : lett wyllyby have as he hathe deservyd : Yff he have otherwyse spokyn : then he owght to doo and knougthe trew : And In any wyse conspyred: other with doctor london or els when : chose hym I never desyryd other : then quyetness : I sayd unto schether : I thank god : thatt I was nott with doctor london : yow were : Then sayde schether : I was with hym : butt a whyll. I had nott mych communycatyon with hym : I sayde : I thank god I spake nott with hym thes vii yeres and now I am theroff glad.

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