Interrogatories for Gardiner


What communicacion he had with Parkehurst or Mr Milles syns he was put at libertie, or with anny other concerning them that / cam to offre them selfis to testifie for Serlis and Shether.


What communication he had or hard concerning his communication with tharchebishop at London in passion weeke was xii mounethis


what communication he had of any that had displeasure of thordinarye for complayning of ill preachers. / or favour of hym toward is preachers


What communication he had, or harde of doctor willoughby


What communicacion was had with my lorde wardens chaplen


What communicacion he had apon wedensdaye at night with Shether in the garden


What he said of the booke, that he delivered to my lorde syns his commyng to canterburye


What communicacion he had or harde of Milles Skorye, Serles, Shether or of any other


What movid hym to have conference with other in theis matters contrary to his othe and allegiance


what he knoweth to be true of tharticles presentid againste the Archebisshop of Canterburye, of his awn knowledge


Whither Mr Smyth parson of saincte Mary Mawdelens in Canterbury had communicacion with doctour Barbour in the north courte of christchurch in Canterburye, the same daie that Serles and Shether were called before my lorde and what the communicacion was


Item why the same Smyth made as thoughe, he wolde have gone home and then returned againe and went to Mr Parkehurste Chamber there being Mr Parkehurst / Mr Gardener / Mr Milles / Mr Serles / Mr Shether


Item at that tyme when my lorde sent for Mr Serls, and Mr Shether why thei denyed theym to be there, and what communicacion thei harde at that tyme /


Wherfor he in his answere at tharchbusshoppes last com mynge to Canturbery said that he wrote rather as tharchbusshope said, than as his conscience iuged to be true, & what thynges they were that he so wrote agaynst his conscience.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.