forasmych as that (most gracyouse lord) I am sumwhat dysseasyd yn my body part by cold takyn off late wych yncreasyth on me more & more that I have lytle rest other day or nyght & besyde that have byn so constypate syth thursday last that I have had/no sucesse by what occasyon I know not so that I am mych  vexyd & troblyd therby yn body bysyde xesyvenesse off hart for my vekyd fact towardes yourgrace wych as I have declaryd was folyshe rashenesse for the wych I do suffer condyng ponyshment & shall be erudytyon to me duryng my lyff. Thys shall be to desyre your grace (forasmych as that I trust your grace ys not desyrous to have my body to peryshe yn your ward) to be gracyous lord unto me & that I may have sum lyberte to recreate & ease my body off such dolor as now yt ys yn. Thys I desyre off your grace for the love off god & that your chiryte wyll extend to thys my petycyon and desyre ; otherwyse I do account my body to be thorowly undon. wherfor I desyre your grace to send unto me sum confort by thys bearar. they and to receyve me to your grace hys favor (thoge as a prodygall son I have strayyd from my father) for now I crye unto you wrytyn yn hell as the house hath ben callyd yn tyme past from whense  most hartyly I do desyre redemptyon by your grace.

By your dayly orator John myllys

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.