whyche he refusyd to do as I remembre for by cause he was under bayle and yn sewte to kynges gracuis honorable cownsele / and appon thys ansser doctor london requyryd hym to presente the accusmentes by some other frende whych know that maters to be trew and so serlys went to mr doctor wyllyby curat of chyllam yn kent then beyng at london / and so as they bother have testyfyed theselfe doctor wyllyby presentyd that accusmentes whyche at the request of the cownsell affyrmyd all that accusementes to be trew and so to be avowyd by many wytness yn kent / And thes and I coniect allso I ca and doctor wyllyby affyrmyd that the cownsell well allowyd hym of that presentacion

And dyd say that he was a good catholick man And the cownsell dyd animat hym to be bolde to present moo suche accusmentes yf he knew any and he shold be herd allso I coniect that

that other accusementes hathe be sent upp sythe that tyme from mr Garner serlys / and shether / of suche lyeke accusmentes and dysturbance send up by doctor wyllyby / and now hyt came to remembrance that what tyme mr Gardener went to london then at that tyme master parcruss dyd appare to london but of my conscience I kowde not lerne of them the cawse / and of my symplicete I dyd not requyre of such ther bysyness / whether ther be any accusementes presentyd by Gardner agaynst youre grace my lorde I am not sewer nether know not / but as I remember I herd hym say that he had maters of accusement agaynst your grace / And fynally to conclude of my con// science afore god I have wrytyn the trewth yn all thys that I have wrytyd And trewly my goode gracius lorde I am very sory of thys greete trobull and un// quietnesse of your grace and allso of all owr trobull and dystyrbance and I be seche god to helpe your grace to redresse all yn to a godly quietnesse / and trewly thys unquietnesse hath not only spronge of undiscrete prechers but allso by undiscrete officers under your grace as hyt ys comenly spoken.

by me william hunt preste and prebendar of the kynges collegge yn cristes church yn canterbury

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.