

To the first article I say. that in the booke of complaint is one article added, whiche nevertheles was spoken of to my lord but because there was but one witnes, it was not presented in writing / and iii articles be left out, and in one article whiche maketh mention of comitie be added thies wourdes, of all thinges.

To the second, witnes was brought in / but what was proved I knowe not.

To the thirde, I know not the cause, why iii articles wer lefte out / nor I never herd the book thoroughly red.

To the iiiith. I do not remembre that my lord rebuked Serlis for thies wourdes / but my lord said : that all ymages wer Idolles. for the greke wourd idolum and ymago were all one.

To the vth. I say. that my lord said / that he had put in three of the new lernyng / and iii of thold / and declared the same to the kinges grace / who was pleased therewith all.

To the vi. I know nothing.

To the vii. I can say nothing, saving that I herd saye I cannot tell of whome / that certaine of hothefild and som of Caunterburie offred them selfes to testifie for mr Serlis. / But how many they were that offred them selfes or of whome I offr hard that any offred them selfes I know not.

To the viiith I know nothing

To the ix I hard no preaching of them but well, to my Judgement. But Shether made a declaration to certain articles. Whither they wer falcely surmised or no, I know not. / And by whome Serlis was committed to prison I know not / but that it was by the counsaill.

To the xth I know no suche thinge.

To the xi. I know no suche thinge

To the xii. the rood of the northe dore was taken downe by my lordes commaundement / as Mr Comissary repoarted And further I cannot say in this Article.

By me Arthur sentlager

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.