Wynchestre had perused the seyde Boke. he seyde that the Booke was welynowgh & wyllyd vs to delyver the seyde Boke to Sir John Baker ageyne. Then we desyred my lord of Wynchestre to sue that commyssoners myght be send downe  yn to kent. That don we seyde that Manye thynges myght be the better knoe & so we shelde Trust to heve a goode quyeter that don. After the doctor wylloby at Caunterbury seyd unto us thyse wordes. That he had spoke wyth the Cownsell Nameyng sir Antony Browne / y put you no dowght seyd docter wyllowby but you shell have goode speede / yn hyt you may be glad that every you dyd men hyt. After thys came mr Thweyttes cam to Caunterbury whych was made prevy of the booke & the Boke. & the Boke wer delivered to hym y thynke by mr Gardener and when he had perused the Booke. he seyde that thys thyng wer ys weghty hyt most be wysely loked upon. yete to Suppose thyse controversyes debates & stryvys. I wyll delyver up the Booke to the Cowncell kepyng a subscrybed boke yn hym my owne handes for hys my dyscharge. Thys Boke was subscrybed with one hand under the namys of dyverse Men / And a fore the makeyng of thys Booke There was A Boke drawne y thynke onely by mr Gardener of dyverse seynges of prechynges & Thys Boke was Red d to dyverse of us. And as every of us had knolege of ther owe dyd put partycylerly our handes to the same wych Booke as far as I kno doyth Remayne yn mr Schether or mr Gardeners handes. ther hyt shell Apere when the Boke shalbe seyn partyculerly. what they be and how many as hath subscribed to the seyde seynges. / At the tyme when mr Gardener & I mr Schether & I war at london / we wer also with sir Themas Moyle at Greys ynn. Shewyng hym of the Mater. And he as I remembre dyd nothyng But dyd Remyt us to sir John Baker a geyne the Cause was as I suppose that he was speker of the parlament & had mych Busenes yn that Mater Mr petyt dyverse Tymys hath Byn wyth me at dener & sumtyme after dener mr Gardener dener Sumtyme a ffor dener hath walked lokyng upon the seyd Boke. What acte he hath done yn hyt. I have no Specyall knolege. thys ys Treweth that he hath made ffevored the Makyng off The Booke.//

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.